Misahara X Soccer – what’s new?
The following blog has been written by Misahara’s founder and designer, Lepa Galeb-Roskopp. Lepa is also the President of the Breakers FC and wanted to share the latest update on this passion project.
"A lot has changed since June 2022 when we shared a blog about Misahara’s relationship with the Breakers FC.
As with any new business endeavor, it is necessary to pivot. Our goal of having a pro team under the Breakers umbrella by the year 2025 with MLS Next Pro has been quite challenging. The plan has always been to create a professional player pathway by building a state-of-the-art stadium and training center in Monterey County, California, and this is no easy feat. Our core mission is "no child left behind." It’s no secret that children in America who have economic disadvantages are often left behind because to play any sport, at a high level, costs a lot of money, not to mention college tuitions are substantial. On average, playing soccer can cost from $3,500 to $ 10,000 a year, which is not feasible for low income families. The irony is that these children typically have more drive and talent to play at the highest level. Adversity builds character when channeled in a positive direction. Providing opportunities for the Central Coast children brings me and my partners so much satisfaction and joy. You never know, we may have a little Maradona in the works😉
Another layer of giving back seen through the Breakers FC and Misahara’s sponsorship is a new connection with Jacob's Heart, a children’s cancer support charity. This amazing organization provides family-centered care that addresses the emotional, practical and financial struggles for families of children and teens during cancer treatments. I walked through the newly renovated "home" and could not hold back my tears. Firstly, no child should have to endure cancer. Secondly, in America health care is a major issue and once again affecting the lower socio-economic families. Thirdly, it brings to light the inequities in life and makes you realize we are not at all born equal. The loss of a child is unimaginable and no family should have to endure this.
As with any new business, Misahara and Breakers FC have been challenging but for different reasons.
Navigating the permit process for building our academy in California has been monumentally harder than setting up Misahara’s ateliers in NYC. I honestly think California has become somewhat anti-business and is incredibly hard and bureaucratic to maneuver through this process. I already have more grey hair and wrinkles than I would like.
We really are working hard to create an eco-sustainable Academy with a farm-to-table concept. Really trying to build an Academy for the children of migrant farm workers and any child with a passion for soccer. In my twenties and thirties, I worked for my father building out tech centers and sports complexes in Silicon Valley, California. This has posed a different kind of challenge. I have more on the line from a personal standpoint and it’s a lot more scary than working with my father's capital.
In developing a pathway for the children, we have completed an MOU with Albright College in Pennsylvania. Our pro team will be able to receive an online degree at no cost. It's important that they have an education to fall back on in case they get hurt or do not progress. The program will require a minimum GPA of 3.0.
As mentioned previously, it’s important that we create a player pathway for our athletes and purchasing various professional clubs will help with this effort. The idea is to have players from around the world join our Academy and local players join clubs around the world. Our first purchase that was finalized in June 2023 is of the French team, FC Martigues. My partners and I did a lot of due diligence before acquiring the club and they have a strong history and are currently in the third tier. Martigues is a French professional football club which plays in the Championnat Nationals. We anticipate moving up to Ligue 2 within three years and who knows with our tenacity and competitive nature it would make sense to move to Ligue 1 shortly thereaftee.
The complexity of soccer is quite different from the complexity of the fine jewelry world. Loyal fans expect a winning team. The spotlight is a little different... more critics especially in France. When it comes to jewelry my focus is on impeccable handcraftsmanship and unique designs. I love the brand that we have built since 2014 and we will continue to expand our presence with partnerships and sponsors that make a positive impact on the world.
When it comes to futbol (soccer), I am equally focused but in a very different manner. My focus is on a winning team and making sure every player has a pathway to success through our Academy.
You can follow the journey of this exciting endeavor thought these Instagram handles below:
@LepaGaleb, @BreakersFC, @MisaharaJewelry, @FCMartigues "